A few weeks ago, I was out trying to capture some peak fall colors in the Sierra Nevada's. After two days to hurricane force winds, about the only color I saw was ether on the ground or leaves that had not turned yet. Very disappointing. I decided to try this place off Bishop Creek Road which was about 8000' in elevation but surrounded by mountains. I ended up at this gorgeous little fishing lake at sunset and everything looked great.
The above image is a very challenging shot. Since there was very little movement, I decided to use an HDR-like image capture, five images one stop apart. Then I did my post with Photoshop's HDR Pro. One the benefits in using Photoshop is that I can save the merged file back to Lightroom as the orignal 32-bit TIFF, allowing me to finish the processing in Camera Raw with ±20 stops of control! This gave me a more natural feel that does not look overdone.
Hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions.